Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6th and Orks

The cover nerf and FNP nerf hurt orks slightly. Vehicles being a little faster doesn't hurt. I predict the ork flyers will be an interesting element in army building.

Orks already had so many builds so I doubt adding units and many rules changes that. Considering orks rely on the power klaw alone we are probably the least ruined by the power weapon nerf.

Meganobz became very good all of a sudden yet not so much. The upside is power weapons won't scratch them. The downside is now people will bring power fists which invalidate the wounds. Still 40 points for a 2+ power fist wielding 2 wound model is a nice price.

Here's the best part, double FOC. Orks have always been an army of competition. It's not that a unit sucks. It's that it competes with another you want.
Now at 2000 we can feild 3 bosses for a total of 3 troop Meganobz with wagons a kff mek. And have room for 6 units of lootas!

Ork army building just got interesting.

I think I found my race horse.

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