As a player of most xenos armies I'm starting to be a little bothered by a few things in 6th edition. The game has always been harsh on xenos but 6th is a little worse in some ways.
1 FNP.
Name an imperial weapon that is ap2 and less than S6. Most xenos armies have terrible saves and toughness. Some of them rely on FNP to make up for lack of armor or toughness. Orks benefit from This rule but tyranids and dark eldar rely on this. 6th will be the plasma edition but plasma is usually s7. In short fnp changes help orks and meq but hurt everyone else.
2 vehicles
Tau. Eldar. Dark eldar. Mobility and speed come at a premium. These barely exist now. All three of these armies pay to get the kinds of benefits imperials got for free in this edition. Flicker fields, disruption pods. Pointless.
3 fleet
Orks eldar dark eldar tyranids. Fleet used to mean 12+1d6 range. It now means units have a 6+2d6 rerollable. This is horrendous. From min 13 to min 8. The averages hold up but the garuntee is gone. Not to mention fleet used to carry a range bonus. Now fleet is just averaging faster but maxes the same as other units. Some units benefit as they can now always fire but allot of fleet units care less.
4. Power weapons
Some armies got right screwed when some of their best guys lose ap2 status. Most of them are xenos.
5 sky fire, flyers, psychics.
Name a xenos with competence in all 3. Name an imperial that cant nail one of them or do all of them. Tau hasa god damned unit that is specificily an AA platform yet no skyfire. Markerlights could even grant it but no. Tau is hosed. Eldar only get psykers. DE has shitty flyers and that's it. The new toys are rare for most xenos.
6 allies.
Tyranids. Enough said. It's not fair the one sided ness of the combos. If you can't balance your fluff to give a fair explanation of combo pairs don't introduce combo pairs.
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